Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What can I say...I love Food!

Enjoying a fabulous meal, sipping a glass of wine, toasting friends with a perfect pint are all of my favorite things to do. The best part of being a married Chef - my wife think everything I make is fabulous. We have a deal at our house...I take care of feeding the family and she makes sure I look decent, house is organized and the bills get paid.

When I met my wife I wasn't sure why she had a refrigerator...the water from the tap was already cold enough to enjoy a drink. Yes the fridge was empty. Her philosophy: If it takes longer to make it than to eat it, FORGET IT! I am happy to report her philosophy was flawed!

I hope to enlighten, entertain and enlist your comments. We will share a bit about food around the world, some humorous stories and perhaps, just maybe a few of my secrets. You never may just be the way to the heart of someone special.

John T. Byrne
The Gaelic Gourmet

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