Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Gaelic Gourmet and Charity

It was a dark snowy night...Last Saturday eve when the snow was up to my eyeballs I ventured across town to prepare a fantastic meal for eleven house guests and a holiday party.  I donated my expertise for an evening to benefit a local charity.  Win-win for everyone involved.  What a feast it was.  We had fire in the pan...a real chef type thing an incredible meal and some great company.  I will be posting a photo or two of our event and the details...yes photos and a recipe perhaps.
Now where did that camera go...what a snowbank!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I will soon be blogging from the Emerald Isle! Check back for some tips and trends this week that will make your holiday entertaining...errrr...Entertaining!

Wishing you all fantastic shopping and of course a blessed season!

The Gaelic Gourmet,
John T. Byrne

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

When ordering at a restaurant...

When I order a lovely meal at an eating establishment I read the menu. I look for clues into how the food is prepared, how the side dish or sauce will taste. Will I have a new experience? Have I created something as savory as I am about to eat? All of these thoughts flood my mind when I peruse the menu. Opening a menu is to me opening up a great book! I am ready for the story, the action, the plot thickening and the culmination...dessert!

Now, let's take a look at my wife. She sees a menu without pictures and we're in trouble. Now don't get me wrong. She loves good food and will be the first to mention if something is fabulous or a flop. She just likes pictures. Thank you to all the wonderful food stylists that make everything look great, appetizing and build our expectations. The challenge...the end result rarely resembles, remotely the meal.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Thoughts of food, home and new beginnings...

I was thinking today about my last trip home to Ireland and how much I am looking forward to go back in the near future. I love to visit a new restaurant in town, have dinner out with my family and friends. Dinner out always seems to bring about some great conversation. Though many topics are covered there is usually a thought or two discussed about home.

Today I am hastening about for my work getting from place to place and completing all the foodie things that need to be done. Tonight, I will engage in casual conversation about home, the food and the people over dinner at a grand opening/restaurant preview.

It will be my distinct pleasure to enjoy dinner at a brand new restaurant opening as they preview for my company the food and service. What a pleasure it will be to "feast" in the enjoyment of someone opening an establishment that will provide incredible food and drink for all their patrons. My palate is poised for a delicious surprise. Will I be in awe of the taste, the presentation and the ambiance? My excitement for this is building with each hour that passes.

What does wonderful food cause us to feel? What does an artistically prepared platter make us think? Where does our mind journey? My memory always takes me back home even if for a split second for it was Ireland that inspired me, my mothers ability as a chef and the beginning of my love of all facets of food and the business of food.

This evening will begin just one evening of many conversations that are yet to be had, hundreds of stories yet to be told at the tables in this lovely spot. It is my honor to participate. The guests of this preview will partake in the first conversations as we celebrate a new beginning.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What can I say...I love Food!

Enjoying a fabulous meal, sipping a glass of wine, toasting friends with a perfect pint are all of my favorite things to do. The best part of being a married Chef - my wife think everything I make is fabulous. We have a deal at our house...I take care of feeding the family and she makes sure I look decent, house is organized and the bills get paid.

When I met my wife I wasn't sure why she had a refrigerator...the water from the tap was already cold enough to enjoy a drink. Yes the fridge was empty. Her philosophy: If it takes longer to make it than to eat it, FORGET IT! I am happy to report her philosophy was flawed!

I hope to enlighten, entertain and enlist your comments. We will share a bit about food around the world, some humorous stories and perhaps, just maybe a few of my secrets. You never know...food may just be the way to the heart of someone special.

John T. Byrne
The Gaelic Gourmet